CX 2017 Presentations
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Venue: Upper Main Auditorium
Time: 08:00 - 18:00
Screening, Indications and Imaging
Time: 08:00 - 08:29
Chairing: | Roger Greenhalgh, London, United Kingdom |
Moderator: | Sebastian Debus, Hamburg, Germany |
WHETHER to intervene
Time: 08:00 - 08:29
Time: 08:00 - 08:06
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing predicts perioperative mortality and long-term survival in abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) patients
Speaker: | Charles McCollum, Manchester, United Kingdom |
Time: 08:06 - 08:12
Optimal management of men with small and medium AAA in surveillance
Speaker: | Jonothan Earnshaw, Cheltenham, United Kingdom |
Time: 08:12 - 08:18
Cardiac rehabilitation to improve life expectancy after AAA repair
Speaker: | Alan Karthikesalingam, London, United Kingdom |
Time: 08:18 - 08:24
How EVAR dedicated workflow in everyday practice helps improve outcomes - results from a multicentric evaluation
Speaker: | Stéphan Haulon, Le Plessis Robinson, France |
WHEN to intervene and at what threshold
Time: 08:29 - 09:15
Time: 08:29 - 08:35
The indications of the treatment of iliac aneurysms
Speaker: | Maarit Venermo, Helsinki, Finland |
CX Debate: Operating below AAA threshold of 5.5cm saves lives
For the motion
Matt Thompson, Irvine, United States | |
Against the motion
Janet Powell, Imperial College, London,, United Kingdom | |
Time: 08:57 - 09:09
Podium 1st: Screening in Women for Abdominal aNeurysm (SWAN) trial
Speaker: | Simon Thompson, Cambridge, United Kingdom |
Time: 09:15 - 10:00
Time: 09:15 - 09:21
Abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) after abdominal aortic surgery - a nationwide study
Speaker: | Martin Björck, Uppsala, Sweden |
Time: 09:21 - 09:27
The consequences of performing fewer open AAA repairs
Speaker: | Kevin Mani, Uppsala, Sweden |
Time: 09:27 - 09:33
Reducing errors during minimally invasive procedures for elective AAA repair
Speaker: | Colin Bicknell, Imperial College, London, UK |
Time: 09:39 - 09:45
New endografts designed to overcome the current limitation in treating challenging necks
Speaker: | Robert Rhee, New York, United States |
Time: 09:45 - 09:51
Podium 1st: A new low-profile device approach - results out to 5 years
Speaker: | Dainis Krievins, Riga, Latvia |
Time: 10:00 - 10:30
Industry Sponsored Satellite
Time: 10:00 - 10:30
Time: 10:30 - 11:11
Chairing: | Dittmar Böckler, Heidelberg, Germany |
Moderator: | Eric Verhoeven, Nuremberg, Germany |
Time: 10:30 - 10:38
Competence in EVAR techniques
Speaker: | Lars Lönn, Copenhagen, Denmark |
Time: 10:38 - 10:46
Risk and clinical surveillance of EVAR - long-term estimation of aortic risk (LEAR)
Speaker: | Peter Holt, London, United Kingdom |
Time: 10:46 - 10:54
Safety considerations with hostile neck 10-15mm
Speaker: | Hence Verhagen, Rotterdam, Netherlands |
Time: 10:54 - 11:02
Management of challenging access
Speaker: | Mauro Gargiulo, Bologna, Italy |
Outcomes and FOLLOW-UP
Time: 11:11 - 12:30
Time: 11:11 - 11:19
Elective AAA repair - UK hospital data support the EVAR trial results
Speaker: | Ian Loftus, London, United Kingdom |
CX DEBATE: Annual imaging after EVAR should stop
For the motion
Kevin Mani, Uppsala, Sweden | |
Against the motion
Joost van Herwaarden, Utrecht, Netherlands | |
Time: 11:40 - 11:49
Embolisation for type I endoleaks after EVAR? Mid-term outcomes, pitfalls and patient selection
Speaker: | Robert Morgan, London, United Kingdom |
Time: 11:49 - 11:57
Fabric degeneration and type III endoleaks remain a problem
Speaker: | Richard McWilliams, Liverpool, United Kingdom |
Time: 11:57 - 12:06
Audience participation and discussion
Discussant: | Juerg Schmidli, Bern, Switzerland |
Time: 12:06 - 12:14
Low profile EVAR with polymer ring under local anaesthetic and one night stay
Speaker: | Venkatesh Ramaiah, Phoenix, United States |
Time: 12:14 - 12:22
ENGAGE registry - five-year durability data
Speaker: | Philippe Cuypers, Eindhoven, Netherlands |
Time: 12:30 - 13:30
Lunch Symposium - Strategies, devices and techniques to optimise outcomes for endovascular treatment of complex AAAs
Time: 12:30 - 13:00
Chairing: | Ross Milner, Chicago, United States |
Colin Bicknell, London, United Kingdom |
Supported by an unrestricted educational grant
Time: 12:30 - 13:00
Time: 12:33 - 12:42
Endoanchor in the short neck
Speaker: | William Jordan, Atlanta, United States |
Time: 12:42 - 12:51
Optimising the outcomes of chEVAR through a standardisation of patient selection, devices and technique
Speaker: | Konstantinos Donas, Münster, Germany |
Time: 12:51 - 13:00
Panel discussion: EVAR endoanchor or chEVAR to optimise outcomes in complex aortic necks
Panel: | William Jordan, Atlanta, United States |
Konstantinos Donas, Münster, Germany |
Lunch break and visit hands-on techniques
Time: 13:00 - 13:30
Outcomes & FOLLOW-UP (continued)
Time: 13:30 - 14:28
Chairing: | Roger Greenhalgh, London, United Kingdom |
Moderator: | Janet Powell, London, United Kingdom |
Time: 13:30 - 13:37
Influence of on-off IFU adherence on outcomes following endovascular aneurysm sealing (EVAS)
Speaker: | Sebastian Zerwes, Augsburg, Germany |
Time: 13:37 - 13:44
Classification of endoleaks after EndoVascular Aneurysm Sealing
Speaker: | Michel Reijnen, Arnhem, Netherlands |
Time: 13:44 - 13:51
Distraction forces, device movement and migration after EVAS
Speaker: | Robert Fisher, Liverpool, United Kingdom |
Time: 14:01 - 14:08
Towards individualised surveillance of EVAR
Speaker: | Fabio Verzini, Turin, Italy |
Time: 14:08 - 14:18
Podium 1st: Endovascular repair of AAA in patients physically ineligible for open repair - very long-term follow-up - EVAR 2
Speaker: | Michael Sweeting, Leicester, United Kingdom |
Mini-symposium on type II endoleak
Time: 14:28 - 15:30
Chairing: | Roger Greenhalgh, London, United Kingdom |
Moderator: | Juerg Schmidli, Bern, Switzerland |
Time: 14:28 - 14:35
Arsenal wins every time
Speaker: | Andrew Holden, Auckland, New Zealand |
Time: 14:35 - 14:42
Validation of a method to define patients at risk for type II endoleak based on preoperative CT anatomic characteristics
Speaker: | Franco Grego, Padua, Italy |
Time: 14:42 - 14:49
What is the transiliac route for the embolisation of type II endoleaks post EVAR? Technique, when to attempt it and efficacy
Speaker: | Robert Morgan, London, United Kingdom |
Time: 14:59 - 15:06
Systematic review on treatment success for type II endoleak
Speaker: | Hence Verhagen, Rotterdam, Netherlands |
Time: 15:06 - 15:13
Direct percutaneous sac puncture - an easy way to solve type II endoleaks after EVAR
Speaker: | Fabrizio Fanelli, Florence, Italy |
Time: 15:13 - 15:20
Innovative guidance tools to perform a direct percutaneous sac puncture to treat type II endoleaks
Speaker: | Adrien Hertault, Lille, France |
Time: 15:30 - 16:00
Industry Sponsored Satelitte
Time: 15:30 - 16:00
Ruptured aneurysm
Time: 16:00 - 17:04
Chairing: | Andrew Holden, Auckland, New Zealand |
Moderator: | Stéphan Haulon, Le Plessis Robinson, France |
Time: 16:00 - 16:07
EVAR simulation for ruptured AAA saves lives
Speaker: | Maarit Venermo, Helsinki, Finland |
Time: 16:07 - 16:14
Ruptured AAA - the early benefit of EVAR is maintained out to six years, but overall survival remains poor
Speaker: | Ian Loftus, London, United Kingdom |
Time: 16:14 - 16:21
Challenging anatomy predicts short- and long-term mortality and complications after ruptured EVAR
Speaker: | Kevin Mani, Uppsala, Sweden |
Time: 16:21 - 16:28
How involvement in the IMPROVE trial 12-month data has altered practice and departmental consensus for open vs. endovascular strategies for repair of ruptured AAA
Speaker: | Ruth Benson, Coventry, UK, CX2015 Certt Merit Trainee |
Time: 16:38 - 16:50
Podium 1st: IMPROVE trial - 3-year results
Speaker: | Janet Powell, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom |
Internal iliac artery consensus update including aneurysms
Time: 17:04 - 18:00
Time: 17:04 - 17:12
When to deploy an iliac branched device
Speaker: | Giovanni Torsello, Münster, Germany |
Time: 17:12 - 17:20
Patient selection criteria for the internal iliac artery branched device
Speaker: | Darren Schneider, New York, United States |
Time: 17:32 - 17:40
Common iliac and internal iliac aneurysm repair - open and endo - the relevance of second side
Speaker: | Eric Verhoeven, Nuremberg, Germany |
Time: 17:40 - 17:48
Multicentre experience with one-year results on treatment of concomitant isolated common iliac aneurysms with sac anchor
Speaker: | Jean-Paul de Vries, Groningen, Netherlands |