This CX Programme is subject to change.
Peripheral Arterial Podium 1st Session - Thursday, 18th April
Venue: Lower Main Auditorium
Time: 10:30 - 12:30
10:30 - 10:38
Podium 1st: First results of the MUST trial and further updates on the use of microbubbles in thrombolysis
Speaker: | Kak Khee Yeung, Amsterdam, Netherlands |
10:38 - 10:46
Podium 1st: Angiography alone in the lower limb: First results comparing IVUS and angiography in the leg
Speaker: | Konstantinos Stavroulakis, Münster, Germany |
10:46 - 10:54
Podium 1st: Intravascular lithoplasty: Study status (DISRUPT PAD II and III) and lessons learnt from a real-world registry
Speaker: | Andrew Holden, Auckland, New Zealand |
10:54 - 11:06
Audience participation and discussion
11:06 - 11:14
Podium 1st: The case for treating aortoiliac occlusive disease with a covered device: Early experience with new balloon-expandable endoprosthesis
Speaker: | Michele Antonello, Padua, Italy |
11:14 - 11:22
Podium 1st: DCB IDE below-the-knee six-month results with in-depth look at Rutherford 5 patients
Speaker: | Patrick Geraghty, St. Louis, United States |
11:22 - 11:30
Podium 1st: Final results of preclinical study comparing drug delivery on 0.018" vs. 0.035" DCB platforms
Speaker: | Andrew Holden, Auckland, New Zealand |
11:30 - 11:42
Audience participation and discussion
11:42 - 11:50
Podium 1st: Two-year data from the MIMICS-2 study
Speaker: | Timothy Sullivan, Minneapolis, United States |
11:50 - 11:58
Podium 1st: ZILVERPASS study - final 12-month and preliminary 24-month results
Speaker: | Marc Bosiers, Dendermonde, Belgium |
11:58 - 12:06
Audience participation and discussion
12:06 - 12:14
Podium 1st: Multivariate analysis of 2,400 patients using a drug-eluting stent - patency data
Speaker: | Michael Dake, Tucson, United States |
12:14 - 12:22
Podium 1st: REPLACE study - heparin-bonded ePTFE graft vs. ePTFE graft
Speaker: | Yann Gouëffic, Nantes, France |
12:22 - 12:30
Audience participation and discussion