CX 2017 Presentations
Please note: Some presentations may not be available as permission may not have been given.
Industry Sponsored Satellite - Gore - Tuesday, 25th April
Venue: Upper Main Auditorium
Lower Extremity Occlusive Disease Management - clinical evidences for iliac artery and superficial femoral arteries
Time: 15:33 - 15:57
Chairing: | Michel Reijnen, Arnhem, Netherlands |
Time: 15:33 - 15:41
Outcomes of polytetrafluoroethylene-covered stent of TASC C & D lesion versus bare-metal stent in the primary treatment of severe iliac artery obstructive lesions
Speaker: | TBA |
Time: 15:41 - 15:49
An early look at the latest high-flex BX stent - results of the GORE VBX FLEX clinical study
Speaker: | TBA |
Time: 15:49 - 15:57
Taking surgery to the next level with heparin-bonded ePTFE femoropopliteal bypass grafts
Speaker: | TBA |
Industry Sponsored Satellite - Gore - Wednesday, 26th April
Venue: Upper Main Auditorium
Durable by evidence
Time: 10:03 - 10:27
Chairing: | TBA |
Time: 10:03 - 10:11
What is the value of long term data in the era of new technologies?
Speaker: | TBA |
Time: 10:11 - 10:19
The evidence is in: Long-term data proves the GORE® EXCLUDER® AAA Endoprosthesis is durable by design
Speaker: | TBA |
Time: 10:19 - 10:27
Advancing TEVAR care - combining a history of proven results across etiologies with innovative solutions
Speaker: | TBA |