Controversies Challenges Consensus

Lively debates will tackle the biggest controversies in Abdominal Aortic session


Colin Bicknell (UK) and Michael Jenkins (UK) will go toe-to-toe in a hotly anticipated debate at CX 2021 titled Standard EVAR can be used in most challenging necks. Bicknell will be arguing for the motion and Jenkins–who is current president of the Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland (VSGBI)–will be […]

Lively debates will tackle the biggest controversies in Abdominal Aortic session2021-03-03T14:40:10+00:00

Durability of endovascular aneurysm repair and the NICE guidelines


A CX 2019 special session highlighted the durability of endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) and the implications of the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) draft aortic aneurysm guidelines. The final publication of these guidelines has been postponed on numerous occasions.

Opening the session, Stéphan Haulon and his team […]

Durability of endovascular aneurysm repair and the NICE guidelines2019-09-06T16:08:53+01:00

EVAR with an iliac branch endoprothesis is safe and effective


Fabio Verzini

Yesterday, during the Aortic Podium 1st session, Fabio Verzini (Turin, Italy) reported that endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) with an iliac branch endoprothesis (Gore) is safe and effective. He added that the procedure was associated with improved quality of life in the short term and […]

EVAR with an iliac branch endoprothesis is safe and effective2019-09-06T16:20:32+01:00

CX@LINC 2017 ‒ Life after EVAR 1


CX Faculty members discussed “Life after EVAR 1” at LINC (24‒27 January 2017, Leipzig, Germany). Frans Moll, Co-chairman CX Programme Organising Board, summarises the take-home messages from the session.

Continue the discussion on “Life after EVAR 1” at CX 2017 ( 25‒28 April, Olympia Grand, London, UK). Register here […]

CX@LINC 2017 ‒ Life after EVAR 12019-09-09T10:34:16+01:00
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